BILS is proud to have a diverse staff that represents the makeup of our consumers. Disability representation in Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives has often been overlooked or neglected in staffing. We strive to set an example by showcasing that individuals with disabilities are highly effective and valuable contributors in the workforce.

Manuel Perez, MBA

Soji Adu

jennifer Santiago

Shaharah Toro, MS FMH

Dominga Torres
Lvone Jones
Manager of Open Doors & Peer Services
Madeline Maldonado
Manager of Olmstead Housing Subsidy program
Maria Martinez
Manager of Deaf & Victims’ Services
Stephanie Paladino
Manager of Youth Employment Services
Jessica Tambor, MSEd
Employment Specialist/Benefits Advisor
Lisa Rivera
Transition Specialist
Alexka Acosta
Transition Specialist
Cinthya Arias
RTHP Manager
Irving McDonald
Housing Specialist
Kimberly Escolastico
Housing Specialist
Hadassah Cambridge
Housing Specialist
Lidia Mena
Housing Specialist
Vijaya Flores
Deaf Services Specialist
Marius Rock Titus
Deaf Services Specialist
Monica Rodriguez
Independent Living Specialist
Tyrell Eddy
Independent Living Specialist
Joshua Norris
Peer Support Specialist
Nayelly Conde
Peer Support Specialist
Nadreca Reid
Peer Integration
Donald McLachlan
Employment Specialist