
Rapid Transition Housing (RTH)

The Rapid Transition Housing Program (RTHP) provides a rental subsidy and supportive housing services for high-need Medicaid beneficiaries. RTHP, previously known as Nursing Home to Independent Living (NHIL), is a Medicaid Redesign Team initiative funded by the Department of Health. Eligible participants of the program are those individuals who are either currently enrolled in the program or are individuals with one or more documented chronic physical disabilities and have two or more chronic conditions (e.g., asthma, diabetes, substance abuse disorder (SUD)). Participants in the program must be on Medicaid and referred as homeless high-utilizers by a hospital, Managed Care Organization (MCO), medical respite, Performing Provider System (PPS), or skilled nursing facility (SNF).

The RTHP subsidy is modeled after the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) and Olmstead Housing Subsidy program. Bronx Independent Living Services partners with New York Association on Independent Living (NYAIL) to provide Housing and Independent Living Specialists to provide outreach and assist eligible individuals with RTHP enrollment, unit selection, service planning and linkage to providers as needed.

Contact Information

Soji Adu
Deputy Director

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