The Employment Program at Bronx Independent Living Services (BILS) is aimed to assist all individuals with disabilities in their journey to finding work. We offer a variety of employment and vocational services to help our consumers prepare for, locate, and maintain suitable employment. BILS works with ACCES-VR as well as Ticket to Work program to provide an array of services both remotely and in person. To be eligible for the Ticket to Work program you must be currently receiving SSI and or SSDI with an assignable ticket through Social Security in the State of New York. You must be between 18-64 in order to receive our Ticket to Work services. To be eligible for our Access VR program, you must be working with a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor within the 5 boroughs of New York City. We provide services to the youth (14 years – 24 years) and adults (25 years – 64 years).
The list of services we provide under our employment programs are;
- Career Counseling
- Job Search Assistance
- Resume Writing
- Cover Letter Assistance
- Practice Interview
- Skill Development Workshops
- Assistance with Accommodations
- Benefits and Work Incentive Advisement
- Career Advancement
- Financial Literacy
- Ongoing Employment Supports
- Job Exploration Counseling
- Post-Secondary Education
- Instruction in Self-Advocacy
- Work Readiness Training
- Work-Based Learning Placements
- Career Exploration
- Self-Advocacy for Employment
- Job Search Assistance
- Employment Placement in Work-Based Settings
- Direct Job Placement
- Job Retention Strategies
Contact Information
Shaharah Toro